
About Guillermina López-Bendito

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So far Guillermina López-Bendito has created 25 blog entries.

Postdoc research position available in spontaneous activity 2021!!

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to determine the spontaneous activity programs involved in the emergence of sensory circuits and cortical territories in the normal and sensory deprived brain.

This 3-years project involves meso-scale calcium imaging in vivo, optogenetics, genome-wide analysis, retroviral tracing. Applicants should have a proven track record and an independent working style.

Position. PhD in Neuroscience and experience in imaging techniques and circuit function. Knowledge in electrophysiological and/or cell biology will be positively evaluated.

Please go to the link below and have a look at the details and contact information. Applications will be considered until March 15, 2021

Por |enero 26th, 2021|News|Comentarios desactivados en Postdoc research position available in spontaneous activity 2021!!

Postdoc research position available 2021!!

We are seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in sensory circuit glia-to-neuron reprogramming.

This 3-years project aims to understand the rules for region-specific reprogramming with the ultimate goal of recovery sensory thalamocortical circuits in sensory deprived mice. Applicants should have a proven track record and an independent working style.

Position. PhD in Neuroscience and experience in cell biology and molecular biology. Knowledge in bioinformatics will be positively evaluated.

Please go to the link below and have a look at the details and contact information. Applications will be considered until March 15, 2021

Por |enero 11th, 2021|News|Comentarios desactivados en Postdoc research position available 2021!!

Guillermina López Bendito has gotten the Alberto Sols de Sax award 2020!

Congrats to our group-leader for receiving the prestigious Alberto Sols de Sax award for our research on prenatal thalamic activity, work titled: «Prenatal activity from thalamic neurons governs the emergence of functional cortical maps in mice» (Antón-Bolaños et al. Science, 2019).

Figure 1 from the paper. Embryonic thalamocortical stimulation reveals an organized prenatal cortical map.

A shared prize with Victor Borrel Franco, a group-leader and colleague from the Institute of Neuroscience in Alicante.



Por |diciembre 1st, 2020|News|Comentarios desactivados en Guillermina López Bendito has gotten the Alberto Sols de Sax award 2020!

2 Postdoc positions available 2020!!

We are seeking for highly motivated postdoctoral scientists to investigate the cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in sensory circuit glia-to-neuron reprogramming.

In particular, these 2 positions should have a PhD in Neuroscience and experience in molecular biology and bioinformatics skills and the other one a PhD in Neuroscience and experience in cell biology and electrophysiology, respectively.

Please go to the link below and have a look at the details and contact information.

Por |octubre 8th, 2020|News|Comentarios desactivados en 2 Postdoc positions available 2020!!

Guillermina López Bendito gets La Caixa Health Research Grant 2020!

«La Caixa» Foundation has granted to Guillermina López Bendito a project involved in the context of reprogramming circuits in sensory-deprived brains.


Por |octubre 2nd, 2020|News|Comentarios desactivados en Guillermina López Bendito gets La Caixa Health Research Grant 2020!

Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo (Postdoc in our Lab) gets an ERC Starting Grant 2020!

CERCODE («Cerebellar control of Cortical Development») project, which will have Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo as the main researcher, seeks to understand the mechanisms by which the cerebellum could influence the development and function of the cerebral cortex.

Mouse brain with a unilateral cerebellar lesion generated in embryonical stages. Source:

Por |octubre 2nd, 2020|News|Comentarios desactivados en Juan Antonio Moreno-Bravo (Postdoc in our Lab) gets an ERC Starting Grant 2020!

Mapping of touch sensation into brain regions is driven prenatally by spontaneous brain activity. Check out our new publication in Science!


Por |mayo 3rd, 2019|News|Comentarios desactivados en Mapping of touch sensation into brain regions is driven prenatally by spontaneous brain activity. Check out our new publication in Science!

Guillermina López Bendito gets the IBRO-Kemali Prize and the Joseph Altman award!

IBRO-Kemali Foundation Prize


Por |diciembre 4th, 2018|News|Comentarios desactivados en Guillermina López Bendito gets the IBRO-Kemali Prize and the Joseph Altman award!

Posdoc Position available 2018!

We are seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral neuroscientist with a strong background in neuroscience to study the development and plasticity of neuronal sensory circuits in the mouse using in vivo two-photon calcium imaging and electrophysiology.

Please go to the link below and have a look to the details and contact information.

Job Offer March 2018

Por |abril 10th, 2017|News|Comentarios desactivados en Posdoc Position available 2018!

New publication from the lab in Nature Communications!

Here we described for the first time the existence of spontaneous calcium waves that propagate across different sensory nuclei in the embryonic thalamus. Disrupting the wave pattern triggers thalamic gene expression changes and eventually alters the size of cortical areas.



Por |febrero 6th, 2017|News|Comentarios desactivados en New publication from the lab in Nature Communications!