
New publication from the lab in Cerebral Cortex Sep 2016 — Congrats Henrik Gezelius!

Henrik Gezelius

Here, we used a genetic dual labeling strategy in mice to purify distinct principal sensory thalamic neurons. Subsequent genome-wide transcriptome profiling revealed genes specifically expressed in each nucleus during embryonic development. Analysis of regulatory regions of the identified genes revealed key transcription factors and networks that likely underlie the specification of individual sensory-modality TC connections.


Por |octubre 6th, 2016|News|Comentarios desactivados en New publication from the lab in Cerebral Cortex Sep 2016 — Congrats Henrik Gezelius!

Guillermina López-Bendito gets an ERC CoG 2014 in Life Sciences! Check it out!

press_release_cog2014_results/ erc_2014_cog_results_ls/
Por |marzo 18th, 2015|News|0 Comentarios

Postdoctoral positions available!

The laboratory is looking for highly motivated postdoctoral researchers! Check it out!

Job Offer January 2015

Por |enero 25th, 2015|News|0 Comentarios

Guillermina López-Bendito selected as a scholar of the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence
Press Release_19 December 2014



Por |enero 13th, 2015|News|0 Comentarios

New paper from the Lab! Check it out!

FLRT3 controls the Netrin-1 response via Robo1

Guidance molecules are normally presented to cells in an overlapping fashion, however little is known about how their signals are integrated to control the formation of neural circuits. In the thalamocortical system, the topographical sorting of distinct axonal subpopulations relies on the emergent cooperation between Slit1 and Netrin-1 guidance cues presented by intermediate cellular targets. However the mechanism by which both cues interact to drive distinct axonal responses remains unknown. Here, we show that the attractive response to the guidance cue Netrin-1 is controlled by Slit/Robo1 signaling and by FLRT3, a novel co-receptor for Robo1. Leyva-Diaz et al., Current Biology 3;24(5):494-508.

Por |marzo 11th, 2014|News|0 Comentarios

Awarded as SEBBM Young Investigator 2013

The “SEBBM Young Investigator 2013” prize its an initiative from the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) to encourage talented young investigators under 40 years of age which research activity has been relevant to the scientific community.

Por |septiembre 6th, 2013|News|0 Comentarios

Awarded as EMBO Young Investigator 2012

In 2012, EMBO received 160 applications for the Young Investigator Programme. The 22 successful candidates come from twelve countries and include the first scientist from Singapore to join the network. Awardees receive 15,000 euros per year for three years directly from the member state where their laboratories are located. The distinction of being an EMBO Young Investigator helps to raise the visibility of young researchers in the life science community. They also receive funding to attend conferences for themselves and their group members, practical training in laboratory management and access to core facilities at EMBL, among other benefits.


Por |noviembre 14th, 2012|News|0 Comentarios